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As the number of films and film types of the continuous increase, the continuous development of the film industry, film and television city management has become increasingly difficult, according to the practical needs, a set of studios management system design has become a very valuable work. Application studios management system management has advantages of traditional management mode can not be compared to the studios, with its information update speed, large amount of information storage, high security, easy to use features has brought enormous convenient for the movie and Television City management. With the continuous development of the film industry, people continuously improve the spiritual life demands, studios management system in the development of the film industry will play a more and more important role. This paper uses structured analysis method, describes in detail the cinema ticketing system to a more powerful development, operation process and some key technology. First the feasibility analysis, and system analysis, business process through the actual research, analyze business processes and organizational structure of the system, the completion of the data flow analysis and data dictionary; then completed the system design phase is mainly divided into functional modules, and describes the design of the tools and technology design, database design and system thinking system. The function of each module of the system in the stage of detailed design, forming a functional block diagram of the system; database design first conceptual structure design, and then on the logical structure design, and finally completed the data table design.
According to previous analysis and design phase, the system used in the design of B/S mode, JSP technology, to the basic page design and function realization using.NET technology, background database use SQL Server 2005 database. Design and implementation of this system for cinema ticketing system to run as a foundation, to provide good conditions for the theater ticket work.
Key words: SQL2005; JSP; B/S film booking;





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