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ABSTRACT This film and television appointment recommendation system is aimed at the actual needs of the current film and television appointment recommendation. From the actual work, the problems existing in the past film and television appointment recommendation system are analyzed, and the structure, concept, model, principle, and method of the computer system are combined. Under the various advantages of the computer, the most popular B/S structure and the popular MVC three-layer design model in Java and the myclipse editor, MySQL database design and implementation are used. This video booking recommendation system mainly includes system user management module, film and television classification management module, film and television information management, film and television information management, login module, and exit module. It has helped to realize the informatization and networking of film and television appointment recommendations, and has achieved the goal of system design through testing. Compared with the traditional management model, the system has reasonably used the data resources of film and television appointment recommendations, effectively reducing the economic investment of film and television appointment recommendations. Has greatly improved the efficiency of the film appointment recommendation.
key words£ºVideo appointment recommendation; SSMmode; MySQL database
